Our Selection


At SK Optical we are committed to bringing you the latest styles from the top name brands at competitive prices. We are constantly updating our inventory with to reflect the today’s trends to make sure your look never goes out of style.
We also offer a wide selection of prescription and non-prescription sunglasses.


In addition to the latest frames we also bring you the latest lens technologies. Have a high prescription and looking for thinner lenses? Transition lenses to protect your eyes in the sun? Lenses that are hard to scratch? You can be assured that we provide you all these and more.


Not a fan of glasses? We also offer contact lenses at very competitive prices. Not only do we offer the latest contact lens brands and technologies but can also order the brands you are familiar and used to.

Wear glasses but want to switch to contacts? Our licensed optician will help you find a pair of contacts that are comfortable and suited to you. For those new to contacts we will sit down and teach you how correctly put on and remove your new contact lenses until you are confident to do it yourself.